Growth Package For Startup – BlankonTech
Introducing the growth package – I’ve been spending the last 10 years by helping clients to build their tech startup and I managed to this thing with does who serious to built their tech startup work together with us and launch their product, gets some…
How To Build Your Startup Without Leaving Your 9 – 5 Day Job?
How to start a business without quitting your day job? – Your question might be, “can I get a full-time job and become a startup CEO?”. If you have strong motivation, intention, and focus, I can say “Yes,” and you can do it. It would…
The Lead of Finance, Tax, and Accounting Department: Meet Jonathan Kevin Kurniawan and his Journey
Jonathan Kevin Kurniawan (Kevin) is the finance, tax, and accounting department leader. His journey with Blankontech started in the last of 2020, not as finance, but as quality assurance. “I was offered QA at first, I tried it with the other four people, but then…
Cost Optimization Strategies For Startup
As software development company, where majority of our clients are startups, and one of vital point of startup is cost optimization. We tried our best to help our clients to optimize their cost without compromising about quality of the product and bellow are how the…
Launch Startup – Execution Process To Build A Successful Startup
Every business that exists in the world, is a business of serving customer. Doesn’t matter if you are on retail, tech startup even health care, your only objective is serve your customer using your product or service. Sam walton, founder of walmart said “we only…
The lead story of the day: Dinda Mayda, the Leader of HRD (Human Resource Development)
Dinda Mayda Nabilahningtyas is the head of HRD in Blankontech (Human Resource Development), so she handles management and administration. As a leader, she maintains, manages, and control all process and HR task, including recruitment. HRD’s scope of work and the team There is some scope…
What And How To Write User Story In Project Development
Imagine you’re on your way preparing an incredible tech product, with validated features by market, and only take one step to make it happen which is build the product. You give it to a software development service to work on your idea. You eagerly discuss…
Leader of the leaders: Cuxiang Buhana, the CEO and Co-founder of Blankontech
Cuxiang Buhana, CEO and Co-founder of Blankon Technology Solutions (Blankontech). Find out more about Blankontech here. The Background Cuxiang got involved in building a company because he and his partner, Hendrik, had worked as freelancers. At that time, they both realized that a freelance job…
Product Market Fit Startup Phase – how to achieve it
Product market fit has successful when you identify your target customer to serve them with right product and put interest in your product. You probably heard a quote “never test depth of a river by using your both feet”, well it’s not only applied on…
How To Start a Startup In 5 Phases To Follow
How to start a startup – You’re probably familar with company startups in Big-Tech like Google, Meta, Amazon, and Apple. How to start a startup from some of the world’s experts. This is the 5 phases you have to follow and succed in this…