BlankonTech Affiliate Program
Every content we build could provide significant value for our audience. Albert Einstein said, “Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.” So, we help people to build their tech startups by providing a dedicated tech team to work on the…
What And How To Write User Story In Project Development
Imagine you’re on your way preparing an incredible tech product, with validated features by market, and only take one step to make it happen which is build the product. You give it to a software development service to work on your idea. You eagerly discuss…
Product Market Fit Startup Phase – how to achieve it
Product market fit has successful when you identify your target customer to serve them with right product and put interest in your product. You probably heard a quote “never test depth of a river by using your both feet”, well it’s not only applied on…
How To Start a Startup In 5 Phases To Follow
How to start a startup – You’re probably familar with company startups in Big-Tech like Google, Meta, Amazon, and Apple. How to start a startup from some of the world’s experts. This is the 5 phases you have to follow and succed in this…