How To Build Your Startup Without Leaving Your 9 – 5 Day Job?

How to start a business without quitting your day job? – Your question might be, “can I get a full-time job and become a startup CEO?”. If you have strong motivation, intention, and focus, I can say “Yes,” and you can do it. It would be best if you had priority and the belief that you can change the world with the ideas you generate. Although many things still need to be built, you have to be able to take risks and make your ideas come true.

Many people join in building a startup business without understanding the basics. So to ensure you don’t take the wrong steps in starting this business and you can still work full time, follow these steps or methods before building and starting a business.

Time Management

As a full-time and CEO of a startup, you have to start learning to divide your time. Try not to do both at the same time. Divide it into several parts so that in the time you set, you can do one thing with focus and maximum. For example, if you work from 9 am to 5 pm, you can focus on your business from 6 am to 10 am. You can adjust your working hours based on the list of jobs that you have specified. You can also make the most of it on the weekend, but please always take care of your health, and don’t take pictures if you’re not feeling well. Health comes first.

You have competitors who spend 150% of their time on business. Can you win if only 30% only? Is this a reason that you should quit your job and give more time to build your startup? Leave your job if your startup has earned four times your current salary. At that time, you will feel safer leaving your day job because you can prove to yourself that the startup has been able to generate and will generate more. Always maximize your efforts in every hour you spend on your startup, and at least make something and keep progressing.

Always Set Your Goals

Make your business plan clearly and break it down into points so you can know what things you can do. You can use the SMART method, which George T. Doran first introduced in 1981.

Your goals should be clear and very detailed. To find a specific goal, you can answer the following questions.

What do I want to achieve?

Why is this goal important?

Who was involved?

Where is it?

Which resources or constraints are involved?

Set a number, presentation, or score on your goals that are to be measured. You stay focused and see how much progress you make.

How many?

How much it costs?

A goal should be challenging but achievable. Make goals as realistic as possible.

How can I achieve this goal?

How realistic are the goals, based on other constraints, such as financial factors?

Goals should be like your long-term plan, so your short-term goals must also be related to your long-term goals.

Relevant goals can answer “yes” to these questions:

Does this seem worth it?

Is this the right time?

Does this match our other endeavors/needs?

Am I the right person to achieve this goal?


Without a specific time frame, your goals cannot be measured correctly. Your goals must have a time limit.


What can I do six months from now?

What can I do six weeks from now?

What can I do today?


The first few months of your business startup may not be able to generate income, and you are also required to spend your salary to run the business, and maybe not a little. It would be best if you decided on a reasonable timeframe based on the SMART method above. Whatever time you choose, calculate carefully how much money you order to sustain your life during that period. The income you get from working full time will be beneficial to help your business in the beginning, but keep an eye on your expenses.

What If Your Startup Fails?

Business is all about risk, the risk of succeeding and fail. But what happens if your startup fails? Are you going back to your job? It’s up to you, but regardless of your choice, it will be crucial to have sufficient savings even if your business fails. You should learn and do research on how to start a startup, so that you will reduce the risk of failure.

That explains “How to start a business without quitting your day job?”. There are many other methods you can use. You can choose any way according to your needs and abilities. Most importantly, ensure your chosen method doesn’t consume resources, costs, and time. Good luck!

To get more popular information about startup, check others article in here

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