Development Flow – Quality Assurance

There are so many procedures we do in blankontech solutions to maintain the product quality. You might already seen our article on startup execution process where it explain how we maintain product quality by implementing minimum code quality, and in this article we will dive in more details other procedure related with how do we maintain product quality from Quality Assurance side.

Sprint Refinement

If you are implementing scrum methodology you must be familiar with sprint refinement session, please have a look on our separated article that explain scrum in Blankontech. more details.

One of the things about sprint refinement is the Backend, Frontend and QA sessions need to discuss and understand certain story tickets, we will create a test case which will later be used as a guide for unittests in the Backend and Frontend will also be implemented as end-to-end automation testing as well as with manual QA processes.

QA Automation

Once test-cases are ready and based on components defined from sprint refinement, we will start to create end-to-end automation testing using selenium and later this will be added as part of the test pipeline on the CI/CD part.

QA Cycle

We have 3 product environments which are development, staging and production and ticket movement will be based on those 3 environment.

Why deployment is by feature

Rather than big deployment to production with multiple features included, by doing production deployment by feature it will be easier from project management perspective to keep track of each feature and will be less effort to maintain when rollback required.

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